Foot Levelers:
Custom-Made Orthotics

Spinal Pelvic Stabilizers
"Contrary to popular belief, many people with foot problems experience little or no pain in their feet. Instead, the pain is transferred to other areas of your body."
—Foot Levelers

image At the Spinal Health and Wellness Center, we know how the feet are the foundation of the entire body.
Any fallen archs or misalignment in the feet can cause pain (now or later) in the knees, hips, back and neck.
We use the 3D Bodyview Digital Foot Scanner to examine your feet and each of the foot’s three arches and show you a color photo of your feet.

"A 2017 studay showed that wearing Foot Levers orthodicts for a span of six weeks reduced a patient's low back pain by 34.5%." —Archives of Physical medicine and rehabilitation.

The Spinal Pelvic Stabilizers by Foot Levelers are custom-made orthotics designed to support all three arches of the foot. By providing proper support for the feet and creating a balanced foundation for the body, the stabilizers assist in improving spinal alignment. Your lifestyle, age, weight, activity level, and spinal condition are also considered in the construction of the orthotics. Exact measurements of your feet are taken from your digital foot scan when we create your customized pair of stabilizers, so they are as unique as you are.

Nutritional Consultation

"The best sources of vitamins and minerals are found in whole foods." — Dr. Royal Lee

Dr. White provides specific recommendations on nutrition and nutritional supplements in order to address the health of the whole body. She embraces the concept of "Biochemical Individuality: The concept that the nutritional and chemical make-up of each person is unique and that dietary and other needs therefore vary from person to person."


Our office uses whole food supplements from Standard Process® and herbs from MediHerb® to supply the necessary nutrients that the body requires to retain good health. Please Contact Us by email, or call our office at (724)742-1777 to schedule a nutritional consultation.